Thursday, January 28, 2021

# 13 rising up

every man of substance

works for his right to be

it’s a planet of resistance

that puts him down eventually

with individuality

or activists with vision

we can stick it to them

but unless these things were hip though

people won’t flock to ‘em

where the system is the truth

rising up is hard to do

where submission is virtue

rising up is hard to do

hard to make the pain go

when you’re God is status quo

where the system is the truth

rising up is hard to do

we can take it to the streets

but who’ll cover the parade?

we can brandish effigies and burn

who’ll report our courage?

some low-funded magazine

with absent circulation?

or a foreigner’s blog

with tainted condemnation?

doing the deed is one thing

making it matter another

they invented this ballgame

let’s change the score however

where the system is the truth

rising up is hard to do

where submission is virtue

rising up is hard to do

strength is not in numbers alone

truth is not a figurehead

let truth rage every corner

your art can splash the message

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